Ronald W. Dennison is RDC's founder and principal consultant. He is an outstanding technical contributor with a world-wide reputation in the data storage industry. Ron is a physicist and engineer specializing in the introduction of new technology and its impact. He has deep and extensive knowledge of high technology intellectual property matters.
His company, Research Development Consultants Inc., does analysis of future technology directions in data storage and expert witness work in the areas of thin film technology and data storage devices both solid state and rotating. His more than 4-decade career has encompassed a variety of advanced development posts in high technology. He is a co-founder of 4 storage startup companies and his firm’s consulting clients have included the entire spectrum of businesses and law firms from Fortune 100 companies such as Apple, Cisco Systems, and Panasonic to small stealth startups.
• A 4 decade career in high technology as physicist and engineer
• Expertise includes:
o Data storage technologies (heads, media, systems, devices, architecture)
o Thin films: multilayer, conductive, insulator, dielectric, semiconductor, tribological, DLC, adhesion promoting, storage, magnetic (ferromagnetic, anti-ferromagnetic, tunnel barrier)
o Thin film applications including storage devices, energy applications,
• Highly experienced Expert Witness Services with more than a dozen engagements including testimony before the ITC in Washington, DC.
o Intellectual property expertise
Patent related matters
• Prior art searches and analysis
• Claims construction and analysis,
• Issues of Infringement and validity - Prior art, combinations of prior art, failure to cite relevant prior art, person of ordinary skill in the art
Trade secrets
Confidential/Proprietary Data and processes